Recruitment FAQs
Please see below for answers to some common enquiries we receive from candidates and hiring managers and what you can do to resolve them.
Pre-employment checks typically take around four weeks and are carried out once a candidate has received an offer of employment. The following checks are required before someone can start in post:
1. validation of the candidate’s ID documents
2. completion of an occupational health check if needed
3. initiating a DBS Check (basic or enhanced)
4. collecting and verifying references
5. verifying professional qualifications
6. verifying the right to work or arranging for sponsorship of employment.
We appreciate that sometimes you may have a specific enquiry that you need to contact the recruitment team about. You can call the helpdesk on 0203 758 2060, Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.
In all other instances you should use the Trac recruitment portal to monitor progress and the various guides available on trust websites.
For candidates
The required documents are listed in your conditional offer letter. You will be also sent a Trust ID link which will provide you with an option to select the documents which you wish to provide for your employment checks. If you are still unsure what documents will be accepted please do call our helpdesk on 0203 758 2060 and they will be able to assist you.
Please log into Trac for the most up to date information regarding your employment checks. If anything is incorrect please get in touch with the helpdesk on 0203 758 2060 and the team will be able to assist you.
Once all employment checks are completed your application and employment checks must go through an audit (usually within 48 hours). Once the audit has been completed (should there be nothing missing) you will receive a notification via Trac to agree a start date with your new line manager.
Your contract will be issued before your employment starts. If for any reason this has not occurred, please contact our helpdesk on 0203 758 2060 and a member of the team will be able to escalate this matter for you.
For queries relating to your contract of employment please email directly your recruitment team contact by using the Trac communications portal.
The NLPSS recruitment service unfortunately is not in charge of your induction so it is best to contact your new line manager directly to discuss this.
In the first instance you should make contact and log this directly with your new payroll provider who will investigate this. Details of your payroll provider can be accessed via your local trust intranet site or by contacting your new line manager.
If you need to delay your start date it is important that you contact the recruitment helpdesk on 020 3758 2060 as soon as possible. It is also advisable to contact your new line manager to make them aware of the circumstances of the change.
If you need to change your bank details once you have started in your role, you should use the electronic staff record self service. Your new line manager should be able to direct you to the appropriate guides or support you where necessary.
For hiring managers
1. Share information you receive from your candidate with the recruitment team via the communications tab on Trac.
2. Change your candidate’s Trac status to ‘offer’ as soon as possible after the interview date
3. Approve references on Trac within 48 hours of being notified by the recruitment team
4. For roles where hiring managers need to suggest a start date, ensure you’ve contacted the candidate and arranged a start date within 48 hours of the pre-employment checks being completed. You will know that you need to agree a start date when you receive an email from a Trac generated account with the subject heading ‘Start Date Required’.
You can check whether your candidate has completed their employment checks by logging onto Trac, where you, as a manager will be able to view the information relating to your specific post and the progress of the pre-employment checks. You can find this under the applicant page for the vacancy.
This is the quickest way of finding out the status of your candidate and saves you having to contact the recruitment helpdesk.
If you need to close a vacancy early, please contact the recruitment helpdesk on 020 3758 2060 who can help to progress this.
To re-activate applications please contact the recruitment helpdesk on 020 3758 2060 who can help to progress this.
To move reserve candidates to interview stages, please contact the recruitment helpdesk on 020 3758 2060 who can help to progress this.
To re-advertise a vacancy that has closed please use the Trac communication portal to email your recruitment team directly. This will be actioned within 48 hours.
To transfer vacancies to a different hiring manager please contact the recruitment helpdesk on 020 3758 2060 who can help to progress this.
This request can be actioned but it must come from the lead hiring manager. Please contact the recruitment helpdesk on 020 3758 2060 who can help to progress this.
The lead interview panel member or hiring manager is responsible for setting up and sending our links for virtual interviews to candidates for interviews. We advise that you send these links at least 48 hours prior to the interview date to allow ample notice for candidates.
If you have been notified about a change in start date it is important that you notify the recruitment team as soon as possible by contacting the recruitment helpdesk on 020 3758 2060 who can help to progress this.
It is the hiring manager’s or lead interview panel members’ responsibility to upload any relevant interview paperwork onto Trac. For instructions on how to do this, please use this handy guide.
If you need to change the interview date after interviews have been set up please contact the recruitment helpdesk on 020 3758 2060 who can help to progress this. It is also advisable to contact your applicants directly to explain the circumstances for amending the pre-planned interview date.
Currently there is no functionality on Trac to limit the number of applications per vacancy so it is important you monitor any live campaigns and application numbers regularly by logging into Trac.
The NLPSS team delivers regular monthly training for hiring managers, please visit your local trust intranet page for the dates and details of how to book.
The application is likely to still be in the audit stage where the recruitment team will be reviewing the record to ensure all checks are finalised and satisfactory. We aim to complete the audit within 48 hours and once this has been completed the starting email will be issued.
To move a candidate into a reserve stage following interview you can follow this handy Trac guide.
To move a candidate into offer pending stage following interview you can follow this handy Trac guide.